Welcome Students!
We are passionate about mathematics and are glad you are visiting our website. As one of only two mathematics Ph.D. granting departments in Washington State, we are committed to teaching at all levels, and to research excellence. Whether you're thinking about majoring in mathematics or interested in graduate school, you've come to the right place. Many career rankings, based on factors such as working environment and salary, put mathematician, statistician, data scientist, and actuary near the top. Our department offers training in all these areas. Our graduates go on to good positions in industry, government, or higher education.
Our undergraduate program leads to a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics with four options: actuarial sciences, applied mathematics, theoretical mathematics, and secondary mathematics teaching. We also offer, jointly with Computer Science, a Bachelor's of Science degree in Data Analytics. The department offers programs leading to a Masters of Science in Mathematics, Statistics, or Computational Finance, and Doctoral programs in Mathematics or Statistics.
We continue to provide enriching, as well as extracurricular, activities for our students. A number of students are working on research projects with faculty members. Many of these students participate in the university’s research poster competition and some have presented at regional and national meetings. We send teams to compete in the two-day Montana Mathematical Modeling Challenge at Carroll College in Helena, and teams participate in the 100-hour International Mathematical Modeling Competition. Each October, future secondary school mathematics teachers travel to the Northwest Mathematics Conference. In November, and again in March, students in the Actuarial Science Club visit companies in the Seattle or Portland areas to learn about the diverse opportunities, as well as the day-to-day work, in the field of actuarial science.
The department now sponsors six student clubs: Math Club, Actuarial Science Club, Pre-service Teacher of Mathematics Club, American Mathematical Society graduate student chapter, American Statistical Association graduate student chapter, and a chapter of the Association for Women in Mathematics. All of these groups are very active bringing in speakers, and holding events and activities that include outreach and workshops to encourage and excite middle and high school students in mathematics and statistics. The department also helps to sponsor the university’s Society for the Advancement of Chicano/Chicana and Native American scientists.
All our faculty members are active researchers at the forefront of current global interests. We have faculty members making discoveries in the areas of Mathematical Modeling, Optimization, Partial Differential Equations, Statistics, Mathematics Education,Data Analytics, Discrete Mathematics, Mathematical Biology, Numerical Analysis, Analysis and Geometric Measure Theory, and Linear Algebra. Faculty are collaborating with researchers from other disciplines within Washington State University, other academic institutions, and federal research laboratories.
We welcome your inquiry to study mathematics at Washington State University, or to learn more about our department. Feel free to email the department regarding undergraduate matters at math.stats@wsu.edu, or graduate matters at mathstat.gradinfo@lists.wsu.edu.
We hope you will join us in your pursuit for academic excellence.
Dr. Nairanjana Dasgupta
Department Chair
Professor of Mathematics