COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Department of Mathematics and Statistics

  Michael Tsatsomeros

   (Μιχάλης Τσατσóμοιρος)
  Office: Neill Hall 229
  Phone: (509) 335-3144
  Fax: (509) 335-1188
  Email: tsat at

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Research Interests

Linear algebra, matrix analysis, especially the theory of nonnegative matrices and their generalizations. Particular interests include the numerical range; graphs and patterns associated with matrices; numerical linear algebra; applications in dynamical systems, control theory, data analysis, machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Work Experience
  • 2007 - present, Professor, Washington State University, Pullman, WA
  • 2019-21 SPARC Visiting Faculty, Indian Institute of Technology - Madras, India
  • 2001-07, Associate Professor, Washington State University
  • 1997-2002, Associate Professor, University of Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
  • 1994-97, Assistant Professor, University of Regina
  • 1993-94, Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of Regina
  • 1993, Visiting Assistant Professor, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA
  • 1992, Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
  • 1990-92, Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Current graduate students:
  • Seong Park, Jesse Lopez, Ben Clark, Allison Roberson
Completed Ph.D. students:`
  • Samir Mondal (co-Chair with K.C. Sivakumar, Ph.D., IIT Madras, 2024)
    Thesis title: Exploring Matrix Positivity Classes: Properties and Applications
  • Wail Alahmadi (Ph.D. 2023)
    Thesis tittle: Convex Sets of Stable Matrices
  • Sushmitha Parameswaran (co-Chair with K.C. Sivakumar, Ph.D., IIT Madras, 2021)
    Thesis title: On Some Generalizations of the Class of Q-Matrices
  • Hung Le (Ph.D. 2020)
    Thesis title: Matrix Analysis Primer for Inhomogeneous Markov Chains
  • Faith Zhang (Ph.D., 2020)
    Thesis title: Rank One Perturbations and Applications
  • Megan Wendler (Ph.D., 2020)
    Thesis title: Semimonotone Matrices
  • Patrick Torres (Ph.D., 2018)
    Thesis title: Stability Analysis, Convex Hulls of Matrix Powers and Their Relations to P-matrices
  • Michael Kasigwa (Ph.D., 2017)
    Thesis title: Eventual Cone Invariance
  • Thomas Cameron (Ph.D., 2016)
    Thesis title: On the Computation of Eigenvalues, Spectral Bounds and Hessenberg Form of Matrix Polynomials
  • Pietro Paparella (Ph.D., 2013, co-supervised with J.J. McDonald)
    Thesis title: Matrix Roots of Nonnegative and Eventually Nonnegative Matrices
  • Jimmy Burk (Ph.D., 2012)
    Thesis title: Eigenspaces of Tournament Matrices
  • Kent Griffin (Ph.D., 2006)
    Thesis title: Solving the Principal Minor Assignment Problem and Related Computations
  • Bishan Li (Ph.D., Univ. of Regina, 1998)
    Thesis title: Generalizations of Diagonal Dominance in Matrix Theory
Post-Doctoral Fellows
  • Fei Zhou (Post-doctoral fellow, 2006)
  • Panos Psarrakos (Post-doctoral fellow, 2000)
    Currently: Professor, Mathematics, National Technical University of Athens
  • Mark Krupnik (Post-doctoral fellow, 1994-1995)
    Currently: Retalon, Inc (inventory management and forecasting tools), Co-founder and President
Completed Master's Students
Allison Roberson (M.Sc., 2024), Kenny Nguyen (M.Sc., 2021)
Zahra Al Dushaishi (M.Sc., 2019), Dillon Gibblin (M.Sc., 2014)
Thomas Cameron (M.Sc., 2013), Dan Hooper (M.Sc., 2013)
Giang Trinh (M.Sc., 2010), Lisa Ellison (M.Sc., 2008), Chris Kanyer (M.Sc., 2006)
Olga Slyusareva (M.Sc., 2005), Nelson Phouphakone (M.Sc., 2005)
Rokas Varaneckas (M.Sc., 2004), Pietro Paparella (M.Sc., 2003)
  • Tom & Julie Lutz Science and Math Teaching Excellence, College of Arts and Sciences, WSU, 2024
  • Excellence in Graduate Advising and Mentoring, College of Arts and Sciences, WSU, 2021
  • SPARC Indian Institure of Technology-Madras Collaboration Grant, 2019-2021
  • Outstanding Research Award, Mathematics, WSU, 2007
  • Catalyzing the Future Award, WSU, 2003
  • NSERC Research Grants: 1994-1997, 1997-2001, 2001-2002
  • NSERC Equipment Grants: 1994, 1996, 2001
  • Merit Awards, Univ. of Regina, 1996, 1999


  • Panayiotis J. Psarrakos and Michael J. Tsatsomeros.
    Linear Algebra and Matrix Methods. Cognella, San Diego, 2024.
  • Charles R. Johnson, Ronald L. Smith, and Michael J. Tsatsomeros.
    Matrix Positivity. Cambridge University Press, 2020.

Publications (in reverse chronological order)

Selected Presentations

Current Editorship

Special Editor