Department of Mathematics

Math 448/548: Numerical Analysis

Course Information

Kevin Cooper
Neill 222
Office Hours:
Daily 10-11
There will be two tests worth 100 points each
There will be weekly assignments worth about 14 points each to be done by all students. There will be additional problems assigned for students enrolled in Math 548 or CS 530.
There is no textbook. There is a list of some resources at this site, and you can find others using a search engine. If you feel strongly that you need a book, you may buy a copy of any edition of a standard numerical analysis text, just to provide a second view of the material. Note in particular that you should try to locate a source of extra practice problems, inasmuch as the assignments will necessarily be brief.
Academic Integrity:
While we encourage collaboration and helpfulness among students, ultimately students must demonstrate that they have learned something by turning in their own work. Assignments or exams that show clear evidence of plagiarism (copying) will receive scores of zero. In extreme cases, we reserve the right to impose a failing grade in the course. This will occur regardless of whether the student in question was the one copying, or the one copied. Protect your work.
Students with disabilities:
Reasonable accommodations are available for students with a documented disability. If you have a disability and may need accommodations to fully participate in this class, please visit the Disability Resource Center (DRC). All accommodations MUST be approved through the DRC (Admin Annex Bldg, Room 205). Please stop by or call 509-335-3417 to make an appointment with a disability specialist. If you have questions, please contact Rosie Pavlov at or 335-3417. Additional information is available on the DRC website is
  • Floating point arithmetic
  • Linear systems
  • Nonlinear systems
  • Interpolation and approximation
  • Numerical integration
  • Differential equations

Welcome to Math 448, Numerical Analysis.

Note that we have no textbook this Summer semester. You will need to check this web site often to get homework assignments and other news of the course.

Department of Mathematics, PO Box 643113, Neill Hall 103, Washington State University, Pullman WA 99164-3113, 509-335-3926, Contact Us
Copyright © 2013-18 Kevin Cooper