Department of Mathematics

Math 448/548: Numerical Analysis

Numerical Analysis Resources

The principal reason we think we can do without a text this semester is that there is such an abundance of resources available free, or at low cost. Here is a list of a few of them. The appearance of a site on this list should not be taken as an endorsement of the material. The sheer volume of material available makes it difficult to vet everything as thoroughly as I would like. If you find mistakes or other infelicities, please let the instructor know.

Free Internet Resources



If you feel a need to have an actual book to look at, here are some. Since these are not required, if you choose to buy one you may pick any edition you like.

Welcome to Math 448, Numerical Analysis.

Note that we have no textbook this Summer semester. You will need to check this web site often to get homework assignments and other news of the course.

Department of Mathematics, PO Box 643113, Neill Hall 103, Washington State University, Pullman WA 99164-3113, 509-335-3926, Contact Us
Copyright © 2013-18 Kevin Cooper